In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Everyone's a winner

Big day.
Long day.
After 3 and a bit hours sleep, it was back into Aberdeen to catch a bus at 0800 hrs down to Glasgow for the cup final.
Admittedly not the overly best game, but with one of our top players out injured at the last minute, and another taken off injured in the first ten minutes, the game had to be different to our usual style.
Anyway, a win via a penalty shoot-out by 4-2, was just what the doctor ordered. Around one sixth of the population of Aberdeen made the trip to the game. This is the view from the very high part of the ground where my seat was situated. Although we didn't sit, as everybody stood for the game.
Now here is a mystery to solve. I used my iPhone for this shot, but how have I managed double expose this photograph of part of the display, organised and made by some AFC fans?

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