Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Catch the Fire!

The sun is shining and it is breakfast time.
I am listening to Duncan Smith, no not Ian the politician.
I am listening to a British evangelist who is outreaching through godtv
from Toronto Airport's Catch the Fire project.
He is full of faith and interesting to listen to.
It is inspiring to watch someone in the right job using their talents to bring glory to Our Lord. We should be proud of those who are blessed to deliver the Good News so articulately.
He even used the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as a way of describing in a symbolic way how Christians are the ones with the golden ticket
but we are here to shine the Christ light and be peace bearers too.
I think you can hear it again on godtv website.
Duncan is really good at delivering the gospel
Arthur is in the blip because he was keen to share some porridge.
But I fed him his cat food and I had a cup of Gold Blend, dessicated coconut and lemon Okyos and a banana.
Maria wants to go shopping later, so I need some good energy.
I hope you have good weather and an enjoyable Monday blipper friends.

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