Every day...

By carolapaas

So sad....

Today when I was driving home, this little cat got hit by a car... he was chasing mice and did't see the upcoming car.. The car who hit him, didn't even stop!!?? Unimaginable... Luckily the car behind it did see the whole thing happening and stopped. The cat crawled on the street and was making weird movements. So awful to look at... The girl (Merel de Jong I learned later on, very nice girl) got out of her car and was a little bit pan-nicking. She could not get the cat, because he would stay still, so I got out of my car too, to help. Eventually she got a hold of him and put him in the back of her car. I parked my car beside the street and together we drove to a vet (200 mtr further on the road) hoping he would make it true... Unfortunately he didn't... Shortly after we brought him in his heart stopped beating... The vet said he probably was brain-dead immediately because of his weird movements and he didn't respond with his eyes when she examined him. He probably didn't suffer that long...

Merel was also sad, she is a cat lover too, just like me. This poor cat didn't have a chip, so we could not trace the owner. That's one of the reasons I took this picture. Maybe some one recognizes him on the internet. However he had a blue coller with a little bell.
I also did stop at a few houses in the neighborhood later on that evening, to ask if maybe one of these people knew the owner of the cat. One person wasn't at home, people said he has a cat, so I wil drive by tomorrow.

I'm glad I chipped Kees and Guus. If they got hit by a car (and I hope with all of my heart that never will happen), hope there's someone too who will pick them up to bring them to a vet. There they will know what to do and who to call..

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