Be Extraordinary.

By MotherWho

Hyacinthus orientalis

“If you want to know if a gentleman loves you,” Hyacinth's mother said, “there is only one true way to be sure.”
“It’s in his kiss,” her mother whispered. “It’s all there, in his kiss.”
― Julia Quinn, It's in His Kiss

This beauty has appeared in my garden, I love them but I can't have them in the house, the scent gives me a stonking migraine.

I've signed up to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge again this year. I have done it for two years now...well I say that, I did it really successfuly in 2012, I wrote a substantial blog post every day for the whole of April, last year I didn't complete it. This year I figured instead of writing I could combine my Blip with the A to Z Challenge and post a photo a day with maybe a short paragraph of writing...just have to make sure I post a photo that goes with the letter of the day. I am determined to do it this year.

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