Another look in the window
This evening I thought I'd return to a shop window I used a couple of weeks ago to get another picture. I got several. This one appealed to me (but it is a little similar to the last one).
Last night I had a disturbed night with lots of dreams, then today I felt very anxious most of the day. This evening I began to feel a lot better. It occurred to me that the anxiety was so sudden in onset that it was almost "chemical"… then it dawned on me that I'd taken an unfamiliar antihistamine tablet yesterday afternoon with an action said to last about 24hrs…When I looked; "anxiety, agitation, restlessness, fast heart-rate," are all mentioned as possible side-effects. I will not take any for a few days. If the anxiety disappears then I might reasonably suspect the drug was the cause. Then to prove the hypothesis I might have to take the drug again. Hurrumph - we'll see...
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