
By GuernseyMitch


Today was mostly spent waiting around in airports. We arrived at Gatwick at 6am to stand in the longest queue known to man, to be told that we were "cutting it fine" despite leaving over 2 hours to check in. Every traveler in England must have been flying Easyjet that morning.

We got our flight with no further delays or problems, except that when our plane landed they baggage handlers of Geneva decided to have an unplanned strike. This meant that the location of our bags became a mystery, which became a bit stressful when they told us they may have to send them to us at a later date (roughly 3 days) which isn't helpful when your waiting on ski gear. However our bags were eventually spotted on a random carousel (the location of which was spread by word of mouth, not the airport staff) and we made it through. Then another few hours wait for the other people on our transfer bus and we were on our way to La Rosiere.

So a long day of travelling and waiting around, but we made it to the resort in time to sort out our ski hire ready for the next morning and meet the 15 other people we would sharing the chalet with. I had so much time to photograph people waiting or queuing, but out of my routine I forgot about blip. I had to settle for the view out of the Chalet window, which isn't very impressive because by the time we got there it was dark!

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