Just a little Battered Around
My garden is looking a little weather beaten after all the rain and wind of the past few weeks. still have a few flowers out but sadly they well soon be gone.
This afternoon turned out sunny after a very dull morning and lots of rain over night.
The Geranium as it is commonly known, is actually of the genus Pelargonium. Geranium is the correct botanical name of the separate genus that contains the related Cranesbills. Both genera are in the Family Geraniaceae. Which originally included all the species in one genus, Geranium, but they were later separated into two genera by Charles L’Héritier in 1789. The first species of Pelargonium known to be cultivated was Pelargonium triste, a native of South Africa.The cranesbills make up the genus Geranium of 422 species of annual, biennial, and perennial plants found throughout the temperate regions of the world and the mountains of the tropics, but mostly in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. One can make the distinction between the two by looking at the flowers : Geranium has symmetrical flowers, while Pelargonium has irregular or maculate petals. The name “cranesbill” derives from the appearance of the seed-heads, which have the same shape as the bill of a Crane. The genus name is derived from the Greek word geranos, meaning ‘crane’. Taken from here and for more info.
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