
By Nigel

Swan Lake

I thought that I might try and get pictures of the various birds over at the pond in Holyrood. My thinking was that at this time of year it will be less busy and I might not have to struggle through hoards of small children to take a snap. I also remembered to take some bread and either they could smelll it or they just expected that a man with a tripod to be bringing food and they all raced to the spot where I was erecting said tripod and flapped eagerly, making me feel a little guilty for the time it was taking me to get sorted. I also realised that I probably didn't have enough bread to feed the figurative 5,000.

Afterwards I took my chemicals down to the darkroom and mixed up some soft working warmtone Agfa-124. It doesn't use much ingredients, cost about 80p per litre of stock solution but takes 3-4 minutes to develop even Ilford Multigrade which normally does in about a minute. I didn't expect the Multigrade to have warm tomes but there was a hint of something different about the final image, more experimenting will ensue. Next time I'll try to make Kodak D-163 which I am familiar with so I know what I should expect, and I'll also use a negative I've printed before which will help gauge relative worth.

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