
By paulcoates95

Independent Retailers (Hebden Bridge)

A lot has been said lately about Hebden - some of it a nonsense, some if it amusing. Should we be the second city? Of course not, and gladly so.

But as I was walking home yesterday, I found myself looking at the side of this mill and marvelling at all the independent retailers - just in this one mill. Hebden is famous for its independent shops, it's one of the things that makes us unique - but since the floods it is getting harder and harder. Insurers won't give adequate flooding insurance, so business can't risk losing their stock. We've seen a Fat Face arrive, and now there's plans for a Sainsburies.

I walk round most town and city centres and it feels like I'm having deja vu. There's a waterstones, there's a costa, and an Eat, a Subway blah blah blah.

Let's fight to keep our town original, despite the attention it gets us with second city notions. And documentaries that want to knock us of our perch.

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