
By woofcity

chewing and cameras

If yesterday was bouncing, barking and bees, today was chewing, cuddles and camera day. The puppies were particularly nobby in their behaviour this morning delaying my camera day with No 1 Son Simon. In the end I abandoned hope of them being calm enough to walk, bundled them in the car and took them with me to collect Simon. rewarding bad behaviour, tut!

We went to Scotney Castle for our photo day. He is a keen photographer and we learn from each other. As dogs aren't allowed in the gardens we took them for a long, hilly walk around the estate's parkland and woodland. I'm not used to hills living on marshland.

While the dogs snoozed in the car, we had a much needed cup of tea to revive us before spending an hour taking photos of the gardens and ruins. Seems odd to think it won't be long before it's too hot to leave the dogs in the car!

At home the pups had a chewing session before choosing laps to sleep on. Took Simon home via KFC, those hills made me far too tired too cook, cough cough. Pretty good day with plans to make further use of our National Trust membership.

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