New Toy

Today’s picture is of GOG using his new toy; it is to help his lungs work properly again. He has to do this five times every hour and it is not something you blow into, but something that you suck. You have to keep the ball at the top for as long as possible and today was an improvement on yesterday.


Today he has had further x-rays to check that all is looking okay. The Papworth lung specialist is visiting him in the next twenty-four hours to check how things are going and whether they can remove the drain in his lung.

He was feeling rather poorly today, his words were that he felt ‘wretched’; he was also extremely argumentative and had not been able to eat anything since his breakfast toast. However, he has telephoned this evening to say that they had given him the painkiller to which he is intolerant. This has now been stopped, he sounded much better and had just been given a sandwich as he was not able to eat anything for his evening meal.

Not one to say ‘I told you so’ or to argue with the nursing staff, but yesterday when he told me which painkiller he was on, I pointed out that it as the one which caused him problems last time; the staff had reassured him it was okay. It is now being added to the list of medicine on his record to which he cannot tolerate; I shall also get it put on his Medic Alert bracelet.

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