Happy Anthony in the tunnel

Hi all friends! Many thanks for the lovely comments , stars and hearts about my moon on the cloud. Happy you enjoyed it . I like the moon shots but something different if I can if not it is a little boring to watch the moon without doing anything. Maybe I don't express myself well! Sorry about that.
Today I had a nice visit. Anthony was here ! Always nice to see him and his mum. We had a tea and a little chat and later went around the corner to show Anthony the park. He enjoyed a it lot running and running along the park like a crazy little angel laughing and enjoying with the pigeons .
I showed him the little colourful tobogan and the tunnel he enjoyed it so much. I got a few pictures very happy and smiling all the time. He is an amazing happy boy. He spoke a lot since the last time I saw him. It was a lovely afternoon.
Later it started raining a little and later stopped again and the sun came out again..
Strange day but happy and productive day.
Have a ncie day everybody and smile!

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