Life to the full75

By Lifetofull

Seeking the light

This anenome grows outside my font door and in the last couple of sunny days I have noticed how it changes through the day. In the morning it is a beautiful closed bud but after a little time with the sun on it it opens up, basking in the light, even more beautiful than before. (Thought it would make a pretty blip)

Usual day of groups, still a little tired but not grumpy today, still lacking in motivation but spending time with friends and God this evening and God opened my eyes, He showed me the ways He had spoken through my day, showed me how even that little anenome was Him wanting to share truth with me. He will answer, He does hear when I call. I had been feeling like I wasn't hearing from Him and I have been quiet over the last few days because I have felt frustrated at not hearing Him speak to me but you know what I am a rubbish listener and today thankfully God shouted through it all.

Anenome, "Yes our God is all He says He is" James 1:5-8, my studies that I had felt were not really speaking to the heart of where I am now (so wrong) - all telling me to listen and ask, seek God, bask in His love

I WILL LISTEN MORE. Give time to listening. Like my anenome I will lift my head to God's light and word and seek it, open up to it as my plant does to the sun.

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