
By torz

Basket Swing

I had to nip out to Rotherham & decided that it wouldnt be fare to go to Rotherham & not take the kids to Clifton Park even tho the weather was a bit hit & miss.

It kept raining but it didnt stop us having fun, Alfie only went down the slide once tho lol, it was a covered slide but the bottom was open & rather wet.

Alister;s favourite park item is most defo the swing, he loves his swing at home & he loves it at the park tho the photos from today would say otherwise.

Im noticing that parks are frequently replacing the traditional seat swing set with one big basket swing which is quite anoying especially in busy times as kids just hog it. Even in the huge clifton park there are two basket swings & one was constantly been hogged by one group of kids.

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