
By annhall

Rangoon Creeper Vine

I planted a very small plant about 4 years ago after admiring a vine that covered an arch at friends yard. She had this arch over her French doors with the most wonderful leafy vine with the most marvelous peach flowers with a heavenly scent. It is a great vine, though in Florida it is quite invasive, so it must be trimmed back aggressively each year to keep it contained. It has branches that remind me of grape vines. I have a very strong trellis and it is needed to keep it in control. There are thorns on the plant which I did not know when I got it, and to me that is a big drawback. So, would I plant another? No! But as I said, it has a lovely cascading flower bract and flowers that change from dark maroon to peachy-white as they go through their growth cycle. So it is a very interesting plant. I used to take them into my office and I had an old boss that said the flowers smelled like cat piss, but I don't think so! His nose was just funny.

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