Not as exciting as it looks as it turns out

Concreting dudes here at at 8.30 ish to relay our driveway and paths due to earthquake damage.

Concrete truck rolls up a bit later, is sent back due to problems with the concrete (chips too big I think).

Second truck comes an hour or so later, second truck sent back due to problems with the concrete (not enough oxide for the colour required).

Now its lunch time and Dave needs to go to work so I come home (we had to be there as garage needed accessing). Third truck is there as I arrive and is pouring - excellent.

Fourth truck arrives with second load needed for job. Truck sent back due to problems with the concrete (too set).

Guys finish half the drive with promises to come back and cut an expansion joint (as intended anyway) and then concrete from there. Goodness knows how much this morning has cost whoever has to pay for the dumped concrete!

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