madwill's world

By madwill

Dog Violet In The Woods

Out early today with the dog - and spotted this little flower poking up amongst the garlic.

Having discovered yesterday how to get close up shots with my little Panny camera - I though I would try it out. You can get focus with just 1cm between subject and lens....

I never could understand why you could get this close in fully automatic mode (but which only gives jpegs) yet in any of the manual modes you could only get to 20cm!

So I read the instruction manual (!) - and there is a little switch on the lens to set macro mode - but I am still not sure why you have to physically switch it in manual exposure mode but not in auto mode.

So there will be no stopping me now - a whole new world just opened up.

Went to a wonderful talk by Will Cheung at our camera club last night - it was very entertaining and he produced some great fun images to show us.

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