Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling


I am waking up at silly 'o' clock at the moment, so despite sunrise now being at about 6:15 am I don't find much problem being in position to capture the event. Well at least I could if stubborn banks of cloud didn't get in the way!

This is Belvide Reservoir, which is a feed reservoir for the Shropshire Union Canal. At this time of year the sunrise is directly over the dam wall and in the right conditions it allows for great reflections in the water. Today wasn't quite what I wanted but I tried my best, in the circumstances.

Interestingly I crossed over the 'Shroppie' near Brewood about an hour later only to find a canal boat adrift and completely blocking the canal. Much as I tried I couldnt shift it so had to call the Rivers and Canal Trust in the hope they could.

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