Tales from the Swamp

By fatmungo

Late night light

Yeah, I forgot again. And I even left the house today!

No early morning swimming today. Except we didn't know so went anyway. Dammit. We went to Tesco instead to buy a cheap sports watch, croissants and crisps. Marvellous.

The rest of the day I was away at Cartha with the mini rugby. The P4-5s played really well so we're starting to see results from all that muddy training. Youngling #1 is also really enjoying it which is the main thing.

In other news, I backed my first Kickstarter. It's a boardgame called Arcadia Quest. Nice plastic chibi figures like Super Dungeon Explore. Exciting!

Food = Chicken legs (multiples thereof)
Film = The Half Blood Prince
Place = Cartha RFC

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