At work!

The trouble with going away for a long weekend is........................... when Ann goes back to work all her work has piled up so that she has loads to do. Normally on a Wednesday she only works till 1 or 2pm and then she comes home and we go for a lovely long walk together.

Today she came home at lunchtime and said, ‘Molly, I’ve got absolutely loads to do. You’re going to have to come to work with me this afternoon. We’ll walk there and we’ll walk back and that will have to do for your afternoon walk.’

Well lying in the office all afternoon isn’t very exciting for an active little collie like me. Ann has wheels on her office chair and she kept scooting back and running me over??!! And I don't want to end up in the vets again.

Ann’s boss, Steve, has fallen off a ladder and shattered all the bones in his heel, how stupid is he?? so the only person who can do the office work is Ann.

Ann doesn’t want to work full-time because she doesn’t need to and she’s lazy has me to look after. However, today she said, ‘Molly, I’m probably going to have to do a bit extra for a couple of weeks. You have a choice – you can either stay home alone all day or you can have your afternoon walk to STAR and lounge around in the office.’

Steve may not be fully recovered for two years??!! Tomorrow morning Ann is interviewing a potential ‘all rounder’ for the business. Not quite sure how she’s gone from ‘part-time office administrator/PA’ to employing staff – but hey ho, anything that makes her life easier and ensures I get decent walks has got to be good.

The only bad thing is................................... I might have to spend tomorrow afternoon in the office again because if Ann is interviewing in the morning she won’t get her normal work done.

......................BUT as Ann says – it’s not every little collie that gets taken on a fabulous walking weekend in the Lake District. And sometimes ‘on my lead walks’ just have to suffice???!!!

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