
For as long as I have done blip there has been an issue ticking and a tocking in the background.

Not of our doing. Something that has made me cry, sob, shout ... In public an adult, stamp my feet, smile with exasperation, work hard, get my head down and keep walking. Something that has given me memories and knowledge that I never wanted. Dh have walked together through it all. Supportive and supported.

Today we got a tiny step forwards to sorting it. A great step. A happy step. A step that made me sit on my stairs and weep a bit.

Huge thanks to my fantastic brother in law E xx

I also got something else sorted that was quite huge.

My choir sang to the lady in the library and made her cry. It was a stunning moment.

Ds handed me a piece of poo. He then actually did his first poo on the potty.

I broke a plate and a glass.

Razzle Dazzlers did great in their songs.

I am exhausted and have a headache.

It has been quite a day!

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