Desperately seeking

By clickychick


The very lovely, Ruby Wax!

She came to our part of the world tonight to give her 7nth talk about her new book, Sane New World.

A couple of weeks ago she was on BBC's The One Show talking about her Masters degree in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy taken at Oxford. I Goggled it while the show was still running and discovered she had included Cumbria in her book-signing tour. I was on the phone straight away to The Theatre By The Lake in Keswick to book a ticket.

They were sold out but took my name and number. I was delighted when they got back to me with the offer of a ticket!

I haven't really taken in all she said tonight but, I've been there, done that and got the T-shirt book. She says:"I''ll show you how to be able to regulate your thought sand emotions to make you master your mind and not the slave of your mind."

Her smile as she signed my book was riveting, something I wont forget! I would love to have coffee with her tomorrow! Speaking of which, I did make friends with an 80 year-old, 3 seats away who I exchanged contact details with and who has invited The Mother and I to her house for coffee.

BTW I did ask her permission to take her photograph!

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