A leaf on the wind...

By TamCat

Kitiara's Tunnel Time

When I got home today, the sun was still high enough to give me some really nice light threw the windows upstairs. So with all this beautiful natural light, the kittens and I had camera time. Turns out, the sun was at just the right angle to bounce off the front of the lens and the back of the camera to make amazing reflections on the walls. That's how they saw it anyway. Lots of bouncing, running, jumping, pouncing, and attacking the walls. One of those sneaky reflections snuck into their play tunnel and Kitiara was forced to go after it. In she went after this mysterious light and then it vanished again, only to reappear elsewhere. This was as she exited, searching for it's next appearance. Poor baby. She followed, she stalked, she threw herself at it, and still, it kept going.

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