
By Ktd

The lift to the end of the world

Our adventure today was a trip to the end of the piste map from where we are staying. This is the lift that takes you to the last valley where the map ends (and the world ends by association!).

It was absolutely freezing on the lift - should have been wearing more clothing as the winds were recorded at 54km/h from the South East. There was one further drag lift which I did not complete as I was too cold. The snow at that end of the resorts was like 9am snow and we were there at midday - it was very poor to ski on.

The journey to the end of the world and the way back were both good fun but very tiring. I am glad that I chose to go and am grateful for an afternoon of relaxation under the duvet in the chalet.

Tomorrows adventure is to the other end of the piste map for lunch but that will be very short and may even need to include bus rides down as well as back.

Looking forward to the last day of skiing.................

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