
This has been popular on all the social media sites this week, so I thought I would get involved!

I became aware of it when my nephew's girlfriend posted her photo. Several of the girls at work followed suit, choosing to then nominate a friend to do the same.

I wasn't really sure at first how posting a photo would help the cause (Breast Cancer Awareness), but seemingly it has; with Cancer Research reporting a huge increase in donations over the last 24 hours!

full story here

I didn't wait to be nominated, nor did I nominate anyone else as I think some people would rather not be seen bare faced and are being nominated cruelly but I did ask that people spare a moment to think about why they are doing this and make sure they donate, which was the whole point.

So, this is mine. I've hopefully posted it early enough to avoid giving anyone nightmares!

If anyone would like to donate then simply text BEAT to 70099.
This gives a £3 donation to Cancer Research.

Thank you :-)

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