The rest of forever...

By DrMac

On site...

I have decided that 60g of porridge is about as much as I can manage before I hit the gym. 70g makes me feel like I might explode and running is pretty much impossible! Today I munched at half five and it managed to settle so that my gym session at half six included a happy tummy! Oh, my life is so rock and roll.

Had a great meeting with the web designers, have made my decision on who I want to work with. Very excited! Then legged it up to the UTC site for a Design Group meeting, two hours of discussing the extraction of dust in workshops, heat bay location, alterations of doorways and exits and addition of insulation and sound proofing and all sorts. I have learnt so much in the last seven months. Here the scaffolding has gone up prior to the piling rig arriving...the work is really happening, it is more than exciting.

Back to the office to crack on with the monster work load - so much to do, the daily list is never ending. Today's list had 44 things on it but I was never going to get them all done...that would probably take a week. But tomorrow I already have 37 things on the list so it could be interesting!

Off to another meeting and then I had a facial booked after work, courtesy of my in-laws and my Christmas present. It was so fab, she said that I don't have wrinkles but dehydrated skin and if I looked after it a little with cleansing and moisturising I would have fabulous skin again. As I have never worn make up (I think it is utterly pointless!) she said my skin is healthier than most! Yeah! It feels fabulous now, I nearly blipped it!

Home for dinner - loving the new diet! - and I've packed to go down to London tomorrow night to speak at a conference on Saturday. And now, some work, I'l ring you and then bed. Sleep will be calling me soon!


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