The bench protest

I'm Only Happy When it Rains

Finnish practice:

Tänään on Kansainvälinen Onnellisuuden Päivä ja kevätpäiväntasauksen. On satanut tänä aamuna. Penkit eivät olleet onnellinen. Ne kieltäytyivät seisoa.

(What I'm trying to say: Today is the International Day of Happiness and Spring Equinox. It was raining this morning. The benches were not happy. They refused to stand up.) :)

Yes, it was pissing down this morning and when I got to work I was a bit soaked. However, it cleared up later on and we managed to see a bit of sunshine. Work was fairly busy for a Thursday.

Not much more happening apart from finding my Finnish name in Finngenerator. My name is now apparently Tyyni Korpela, which means "Calm wilderness", which pretty much describes my nature! :)

Good news is.. I'm off tomorrow!!! Yay! :)

Thanks very much for your comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)  

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