Klick Kit



Today was a recover day as my GP call’s it! And found me at the bank on Union St (Aberdeen City’s main thoroughfare) On walking to the near east end, on the south side finds one at the Adelphi.

This is where modern street art by Artists has brought the entrance to Adelphi Lane to life with historical street art.

Through a tunnel of walls that was once white and grubby, has over the last five years been transformed with a little colour.

"When we took over La Stella five years ago, we started the Adelphi Action Group with a number of organisations to try and clean up the street," explains Chris Tonner, owner of The Adelphi Kitchen which is situated on the tiny lane.

But despite the efforts of local businesses, not much was done by the City Masters to clean the archway to make it more enticing for Aberdonians to walk through.

So when the La Stella team decided it was high time the restaurant was given a makeover, the plans to revamp the entrance to the Lane were also placed firmly back on the table.

Chris adds: "When we were putting up the plans for The Adelphi Kitchen we thought ‘something needs to happen’. So we contacted Aberdeen Inspired and sent them an email every week."

The business enterprise saw the potential for the space and together with Aberdeen City Council agreed to power wash the walls. The Adelphi Kitchen then sourced a group of local artists to design a mural that would highlight Aberdeen’s vibrant historic industries.

Step forward Owlcat Artist Collective, a team of local tattoo and graphic design artists, who were happy to take up the challenge.

Owlcat owner Jim came up with the design, which was sprayed freehand onto the two walls leading into Adelphi Lane, with the two pieces reflecting a range of historical elements of Aberdeen including the harbour and its industrial heritage.

Chris notes: "Within about a day, Jim did a rough sketch of the design and it was amazing. We took it to Alan Brea from Aberdeen Inspired who okayed it and we went from there."

Alan added: "The guys from Owlcat have done a fantastic job with the artwork and we hope the people of Aberdeen will to be able to see it in all its glory. We think it’ll make a big difference.

So if you are local in Aberdeen, the next time you’re at the east end of Union Street cross to the east side and stop to admire this bit of Modern Street Art

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