A thread

The past weaves a thread,
From the tapestry's frayed edge,
Ever renewing.

Heard an interesting tale today ...

Went to visit our hairdresser Karen, she had these rather beautiful in a vase in front of the mirror. I admired them and she told me their story:

Karen's family on her fathers side all came from the village of Bolney in Sussex, the family name being Braysher, which is quite an unusual name. Karen remembers visiting her great grandmother there. The family had latterly moved away from the village.

Many many years later Karen, who is a mobile hairdresser, happened to be asked to come and cut the hair of an old lady in the village called Mrs Dolomore. When the time came to pay and the old lady saw Karens surname, she asked if she was related to the Brayshers in the village. It turned out that Mrs D knew Karen's grandmother and also remembered other family members. Karen subsequently took some old photo's along and the old lady was able to tell her the names of some of the people in them.

Recently, Mrs Dolomore, now no longer living in Bolney, had her 100th birthday and Karen went to visit her to wish her happy birthday. The old lady asked her son to go into the garden and dig up a particular plant. She then gave this plant to Karen saying that it had been given to her when she was a little girl by a lady who would have been Karens great great grandmother. The family had lived in the same house for several generations so the plant was planted in their garden and there it remained until Mrs Dolomore eventually moved, digging up the plant to take it with her. Now she wanted to pass it on to Karen. This was the last time Karen saw the old lady as she died not long afterwards.

How wonderful that this simple plant should provide the thread which links successive generations, and how amazing that Karen should meet this remarkable lady......

Serendipity or grand design .....?

PS. My graveyard jackdaw yesterday somehow hit the spotlight ... I don't understand how these things work, but was very flattered! Especially as I am being very bad at commenting at the moment. Thank you lovely blippers!

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