Have a nice daye!

By Su5hma

Warning - Man at Work

I decided stuffy nose or not I would get a sympathy hug even if it killed him (probably kill me if I gave him man flu mind you!) So after a quick lunchtime shop to collect some salad ingredients and an extra 45 min in the office I made it to the Outdoor Classroom where the pizza oven was warming nicely, the fire was lit to keep me warm and my man was hard at work by the light of a few gas lanterns and a head torch!

Dinner was really nice - very chilled (just like my fingers prepping the salad outside in the cold) and as I sat and watched the fire afterwards M got back to improving his empire Outdoor Classroom. Even though he thinks I am just humouring him spending time with him up there, I am really impressed and proud of him for all that he has managed to build - and I have told him this - just not sure he really believes me!

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