
By AnyOldIron

Proof ...

... that I went out of the house today. To old lady M&S for lunch with my dad and his partner, Sandra, neither of whom are old ladies so I guess we all know what that makes me.

A bit of clothes shopping for the boys afterwards. It is a non-uniform day at school for Sport Relief tomorrow and the Little Ginger Boy needed cooler threads. I have been amazed lately at some of the pronouncements of the small boy fashionistas of year seven who sit in judgement of what is cool. if you're not in, you're out, even if you're only 11 and male.

When I was 11 I wore my brother's cast off flares and third hand t-shirts from friends. I was comfy and no one cared if I came home ripped and covered in mud. The world has turned a lot since then. More proof, if it were needed, that I am an old, old lady ...

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