Journal of an Earthling

By SJSayer

Pussy Willow

Found these delightfully fluffy pussy willow catkins on my lunchtime walk. It was windy, sunny and wet with a brief and 'refreshing' hail shower thrown in for good measure...all in a space of 30 mins...and if you look carefully you can see some raindrops on the catkins.

Thanks to blipping I 'see' things differently and pay far more attention to my environment...normally I would be on auto-pilot and miss these fluffy beauties.

I am also keeping a canny eye on what's appearing in people's gardens....yes I have become a herbaceous stalker.

The reason?

Well we are waiting for quotes on hard landscaping our garden. The work has been a very long time coming and I am so very, very excited. By the summer we will have beautiful garden to enjoy.

Fingers crossed for some reasonable quotes.

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