Harvesting again..

Today's offerings..
Clockwise, Salad leaves, Salad (Kale, Pea shoots, Borecole, Blood Veined Sorrel, Chard), Brussels, Spring greens, Broccoli, Salsify, Scorzonera, and Parsnips..

New delivery man today, thanks D!

After thunderstorms and lightening last night, heavy hail storms today, fresh snow on the hills, it called for a morning doing accounts and hiding from the weather. Harvested early afternoon, and then prepared the shed for building the stairs. I did do the pointing around the joists yesterday. Hopefully get the floorboards done on Sunday.

Tanni wants to run around, but we're trying to keep her under control. The wound looks lovely and clean, and doesn't seem to be slowing her down..

Photo competition in Nairn tomorrow. Music.. Don't they look young!!..

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