out and about

By kiwi

invite to go where no man has ever been before.

invite to go where no man has ever been before......

This is a photo of a photo of very large iceberg sitting in the sea ice just off the coast of Greenland, taken from a helicopter. (pictutred again so I took this one today as an invite) !!2 months ago I thought I'd be back in 5 weeks to blip lots of arctic photos - its taken me a wee bit longer as I got stuck there for a bit, and then have been recovering, sorting pictures and generally readjusting to life in 'civilisation'. However, I invite you to look at a few selected pictures of the most amazing place on earth - ice ice ice ice, rock, sky and absolutely nothing else.

-20 deg C and the camera worked even when all it was doing was having the lens poked out through the tent fly sheet and the body of it staying inside because it was too cold for me to go out.

This is a pristine landscape. But now its melting - we got stuck due to unseasonably warm weather, amongst other things. Please spare a thought for the invisible impacts of what you do.

Words dont describe it - and unfortunately one 1 blip per day means the days when the weather was amazing I've struggled to try and find a picture which really gives an impression.

I hope you like it. I did.

(there are 21 pictures in the series, starting 6 May)

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