
By ScarlettJane

Great Grandpa

Here's a picture of my Great Grandpa with my Nanny at Mummy and Daddy's wedding. I really like this photo and I kept going up to it and waving at him and smiling :)

I wish I could have met my Great Grandpa, everyone tells me how lovely he was. He knew about me though when I was in my Mummy's tummy, she found out she was pregnant with me just in time to tell him. He was very pleased.

We had a nice day, although I had a bit of a lie in - had a bit of a rough night with my teeth, another top one has cut slightly!

We went to meet Nanny on her lunch hour and went to a pub for lunch, I had fun and was very good.

Then we left Nanny and went for a walk along the seafront as it was sunny, but it was a bit too cold with all the wind so we went back home and I had a nice long sleep!

I'm back in my cot now and Mummy hopes I don't have another restless night!

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