
By Cr055ie


Well a busy day today. First a trip to the tip to get rid of some of the surplus stuff from the garage. I was really disappointed that the two exterior doors were put into the landfill bin because they were glazed with leaded lights!!!!! Surely it would have made more sense to take the to bits and recycle them in parts, they even still had the brass hinges on them. I had put them on freecycle but they hadn't got any interest. I wish I had persevered and got the reused.

The a flying visit to Kirkby Gravel Pits This is the view from the bird hide at round lunch time today.

Then on to the dog training session. This went really well and for the first time ever I was able to walk Charlie at heel on the lead down a busy main road. He has also continued his learning about his place in the "pack", and seems a lot more settled. This trining may seem expensive to some, but it is so worth it to be able to keep Charlie at home.

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