Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Marina Sunset

In stark contrast to yesterday's blip, I decided to post this shot as soon as I got home. I blipped this same scene back in February, but it looks so different with the coming of Spring.

J's feeling better, but it comes and goes. I guess I am a bit of a "mother hen" when it comes to family. I sometimes find that name funny, since many of my former employees called me "the Dragon Lady". Many of the landowners that I negotiate with call me "the Velvet Hammer". I'm sure that others have more colorful names for me. But truly the names that really mean the most to me are the nicknames that J and my daughters, L and A have given me.

Yesterday's blip was uploaded late. If you have a moment, take a look at Eye Candy.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

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