Autumn Trees on the Bridle Path Road

The Bridle Path is a steep track that traverses the northern rim of the Lyttelton volcano, connecting the Lyttelton Port with the city of Christchurch. It's a favourite with walkers and mountain bikers.

I was on the lower part of the Bridle Path this afternoon, where it becomes a road winding through Heathcote, to the Estuary at Ferrymead. I've been enjoying these trees for a few days now and thought I'd photograph them before we get some more high winds. It's a big tree and looks better Large.

I did more playing with my camera today and found it hard to choose! You can see 3 others here - let me know what you think, if you have time to look.

Thanks so much for all the feedback yesterday! It created quite a lot of interest and comments, which I found fascinating.

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