Hi Noon at the Vineyard

Well not quite but actually a bit later as we walked through the Rippon Vineyard this afternoon and The Boss shot this looking straight into the sun with his iphone. It was a bit difficult at the time to see what he was doing ‘Cos he was on tippy toes with the iPhone held up over his head to get the image he wanted and it would have been a lot easier if the nice vineyard folk had left the odd step ladder lying about.
I don’t think I have ever seen the odd or even an even stepladder lying about but while we were walking towards this spot but still on the road we had a car stop and the passenger ask for directions to the Rippon Vineyard and we pointed back the way the car had come. As we got closer it was easy to see why the car folk were confused as right at the edge of the lane there was two signs declaring “Private Lane, No Public Access” then a bit further on a larger sign was “Welcome to Rippon Vineyard” and arrows that pointed to the tasting dept.
Oh and on the right a large real estate sign was suggesting large sums of money needed to change hands once the exterior finish folk had finished the refurbish and the Border Collie that was tied up on the front lawn was NOT at all happy with me walking by right past the “Private lane” bit and was saying so.
Talk about mixed signals.

And up on high The Sun Burned down

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