Not Quite Right

I took some shots of the inside of the tulips is morning to go (in contrast) with the late night ones from last night.

I think the focus is just a bit too narrow and may have to do them again.

Monsters Inc. were a bit of a mixed bag today but are still living (just).

What an evening we had.
We joined friends at the golf club for a race night and a meal.
All I can say is - if I bet on a horse, you want to bet on a different one!
SWMBO came out on top though (typical).
Not only that I am now a 'Social' member of the club.
I haven't played in donkeys years and my back would give up and leave home if I tried it these days.
Things have changed a bit in the clubhouse too. I was a bit overdressed in jacket in tie ...... it used to be you were never allowed in without them! My father will be spinning in his grave at the lack of formal dress code.

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