PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP


Last night was.... lets just say .... it was a huge night out! I didn't get home til 9am this morning! But my heart sank as I walked up the driveway and realised my house/car keys weren't in my handbag :(

I dismally stared inside the locked back screen door at the spare keys inside the house pondering ways to break in - not so easy to do in this house I might add! In the end I had to 'break' the screen door by derailing it! I had a gap of about 15cm to try and squeeze through! Thankfully I fit and this afternoon has been spent mostly in the hammock, drifting in and out of sleep.

Sadly my keys have not turned up anywhere :( Will be an expensive little excercise to get them all cut again!

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