The English seaside

St Anne's (a more exclusive neighbour of Blackpool if you don't know it) can be chilly.

Last night it snowed heavily. I'm in a less than comfortable seafront hotel and couldn't sleep so I heard and saw it at three am. By morning there was no sign. When I went out and caught a bit of sunshine , it was - well - bracing.

The Pier is shut (but the Italian cafe does a mean barmcake with roast beef and onion gravy). Dunes. Buckets and spades on sale. Lots of amusement arcades and chocolate eclairs bigger than true Parisian baguettes. Nobody does seaside like the Fylde peninsula.

I'm on a weekend Bridge break. Ruthless bunch. They turn up year after year. They all have the same rooms, the same seats. Fearsome at the tables. Lethal in the pool.

I think this weekend could prove interesting :-)

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