Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Day Tripping

Today I had one of those days when you think to yourself, 'why don't we don't we do this more often?' I caught the train to Corbridge to see Aliellerb. It was a sunny day and the train journey along the Tyne is gorgeous. We did some browsing and a bit of shopping in the crafty and antique shops and had a spot of lunch in the Angel. I could have taken loads of pictures if it wasn't for the fact I'd left the memory card at home (I know I should just use the lead!) and for some reason all my pictures are coming out over exposed on the automatic settings. I've looked it up on the net and apparently it is a common problem, but the explanations for fixing it are so techy I don't know where to start. Something about metering. Any suggestions anyone? I could of course just accidentally pushed some button and screwed up the settings myself. So this in the one ok shot I managed to get at Newcastle Central Station this morning on one of those fancy advanced settings.

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