
They really are a happy pair but look so solemn!

Spent a lovely morning through at Mum's. Ali , Euan and Eve came with us . Euan helped with a lot of little chores while Eve entertained Great Gran with her antics. They sat round Mum's coffee table for lunch on wee stools that their Mummy , Aunt Fifi and Uncle Andrew used to sit on when they were young. Great Gran was impressed by how well behaved they were. Euan's last chore was to help Grandpa fill the birdfeeder before we left to come home. A cheery "Bye, Great Gran" from Euan and we were on our way.

I'm sure this visit did a power of good . Mum has been suffering from muscle spasms which are painful. We left her all stocked up for the week and all the chores done. The wee ones keeping her company and chatting to her was icing on the cake!

Well done JohnD on your Spotlight blip yesterday!

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