Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

When the wind is up your combinations...

..You have to hang on tight.

Today I revisited my 'About' information, after a long time.
I was horrified to read that I meant to look at photoshop ages ago.
I still haven't.
I looked at it today.
When I say I 'looked', what I really mean is that I brought up the screen and pressed one or two 'auto' looking things.
I think they did vaguely enhance the image of today.
More research needed.
And SO much more patience than I apparently have available!
(The photo fun, for me, is definitely never going to be 'post-production').

My intention today had been to go out into town, tape measure secreted in pocket, and check out (this was an idea of some genius) round-shaped tables in pubs, cafes and restaurants until I found one resembling the size of my intended purchase of same :-) for comparison, you'll appreciate?
This inspired idea fell apart when I began to feel like a bit of a weird stalker, peering in through windows of eateries trying to establish which ones even sported round tables. (Fewer than you'd think).
Back to the original idea of creating a mock-up out of cardboard and saucepans (don't ask).
I gave up on papier mache yesterday.

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