The Family Silver

While I carried on with the slash and burn operation in the garden Mrs S was spring cleaning indoors, with the help of Eve who cleaned all the old silver photo frames we keep in the living room. This one is of me and my brother and sister with Dad, it must have been taken by Mum. I notice I also managed to get a photo of me and Mrs S as kids in this too.

I also managed a few hours out on the bike, I thought the gale force winds had died down. They hadn't.

Joe had three exuberant pals round all afternoon. Apparently they made a hell of a racket. I was in the garden butchering weeds with my headphones on listening to Liverpool beating Cardiff 6-3. Our defence may be shocking but we are entertaining.

Ruby is over in Glasgae at The Hydro tonight watching Fall Out Boy from the mosh pit.

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