Saturday Sunset after Spring showers

Finally had all my children home for dinner again!

Yesterday daughter #2 went out with friends after school, stayed the night, then we picked her up at 8am, just to drop her off at the mandatory first aid class she took all day as a prerequisite for her driving course that starts in 3 weeks. Then I was at the airport by 11am to collect son #1 from his week-long trip to Poland.

Midday looked like the sun was fighting its way through the clouds, so we decided to go for a walk. By time we got to the end of the drive it was raining. We braved the wet anyway for about 30 minutes, then gave up. Some chores and errands got done and around 6pm it looked safe to try another walk. This time we were rewarded with a peaceful river and a lovely sunset on nearly desolate trails.

Came home and my son helped make crepes for dinner while regaling me with tales of his trip. The meal was loud and crazy and I am glad to have all my babies home :)

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