Just walking the dog.

Bit ccccold today.

Had to sit in the sport centre for 2½ hours today waiting to book the boys swimming lessons for next term......
My phone battery was very low and just as my time was coming up and I was about to text Mr J for a lift.... It died!!!

That's Ok, I thought. I'll use a payphone.....

So I asked the lady who worked there... Nope....Aparantly No pay phone in the sport centre....

But the lovely young man behind me in the que (don't tell Mr J I said that) said I could borrow his mobile. :-)

So I phoned the house. (don't know Mr J's mobile of by heart.... Note to self.... Must write it down and keep it safe....)
Mr J wasn't in but I left a rushed message for him to pick me up....

But then I didn't know if he got the message.... I scanned the car park and decided to start walking in the hope he might head down the way I was walking or I'd find a phone box....

I did find a phone.... And went in hoping he was at home.... But I only had 45p change and you need 60p !!!!


NOW I'M COLD... (NOT DRESSED FOR WALKING UP A BIG HILL IN THE COLD!) AND PEEVED OFF and worried that Mr J might be looking for me down at the sport centre and getting ratty!!!

Then along came a bus... (Luckily I had a £5 note in my pocket.... So I ran to catch it and got home. I could see Mr J pulling up at the house in front of the bus.....

All was Ok though....Cos when he couldn't find me at the centre he'd guessed that my phone had died cos he hadn't been able to get through to me when he tried to phone, so headed back to the house.

Alls well.... I'm warm.... Mr J happy.... And the swimming lessons are booked.....

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