
By Tinks


I was invited out for lunch today to the SSAFA awards ceremony, as I have recently become a SSAFA volunteer. The awards ceremony started about 11.30 a.m. and after lots of people saying lots of nice things about other people and certificates, flowers and bottles of wine being given out we sat down to a rather scrummy Curry Buffet. (It's a bit of a treat getting a good Curry in Germany as the Germans don't really do 'hot'). It was a really nice change for me, being out during the day with no children!

This is Rob, the son of friends of ours, who is home from Uni for the summer. I asked him if he'd look after Archie for me so I could go. He very kindly said he would and what a fantastic job he did too! Archie obviously likes Rob a lot, as he was all smiles and wanted him to pick him up as soon as he arrived. I can't believe that for one fleeting second I thought I might get home to find Archers with a mohawk or something! When I got in he was fast asleep having his afternoon nap, lunch eaten and tidied away! When I asked Rob how he'd been he said "Fine, yeah! Archie's quality!" Can't say fairer than that!! Thank's Rob, you're quality too!!

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