Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

The fruit market

My hands full of multi colored plastic tote bags. Bartering breakfast and dinner. Perusing the wares of Mercado 9th de Octubre. Usually this is my favorite place for snapping photos. Gleaming color and inspiration from all the sounds, colors, shapes, and people all around the market.

Today though I'm just preoccupied with so many things. I can't wait to escape the city and climb up into the clouds again. Up in the bunch grasses and puyas over the folded hills. With the silent breeze that is always true when the rest of this world is just a mystery never knowing what to expect.

I have been reading a lot. I was reading the other day that love is contact with the land. Intimacy of place and the separation of man from the cycles of the land was the separation of man from the land as part of himself. A reduction to something just only personal. Disconnected from that umbilical cord we poison ourselves with made up delusion. They said it more eloquently, aye though I agree.

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